These books are generally available at several on-line stores, such as:

If you find another good book source or book and would like me to add it to this list, please email me at info@jinkokyudojo.com

Kyudo: The Essence and Practice of Japanese Archery
by Hideharu Onuma with Dan and Jackie DeProspero

ISBN 4-7700-1734-0

Zen in the Art of Archery
by Eugen Herrigel

ISBN 0-679-72297-1

The Secret of the Target
by Jackson S. Morisawa in association with Chozen-Ji School of Kyudo

ISBN 0-415-00194-3

Zen in Motion
Lessons from a Master Archer on Breath, Posture, and the
Path of Intuition
by Neil Claremon

ISBN 0-89281-361-X(pbk.)

Kyudo: The Japanese Art of Archery
by William R. B. Acker

ISBN 0-8048-2109-7

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Informal talks on Zen meditation and practice
by Shunryu Suzuki

ISBN 0-8348-0079-9

Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior
by Chogyam Trungpa

ISBN 0-87773-264-7(pbk.)
ISBN 0-394-72329-5 (pbk.: Random House)